Join Us For Our Next Tech Talk March 26th
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Published March 10, 2022

IBM Cloud Pak for Integration (CP4I) is a platform that helps you quickly and easily integrate your hybrid cloud applications with the systems and applications that are important for running your business. It can help to collaborate between the different application teams and businesses that exist in your organization and ensure that they are working together at maximum efficiency.

What is IBM Cloud Pak for Integration?
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Published February 4, 2022

According to research by Connecting Software, Fortune 1000 firms spend 40% of their IT budget on their Integration Infrastructure. Gartner Group’s John-David Lovelock said: “…digital tech initiatives remain a top strategic business priority for companies, focusing spending on making their infrastructure bulletproof and accommodating increasingly complex hybrid work.” He continues that enterprise software will have the highest growth in 2022, driven by infrastructure software spending to outpace application software spending.

How to Unlock the Full Value From Your Investment in Integration Infrastructure
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Published October 28, 2021

At Nastel Technologies, we strive to deliver new ways to integrate your technology stack and make your applications and platforms work better for your needs. In fact, we have almost 30 years of experience doing just that through the development of powerful yet flexible messaging middleware solutions.

Nastel Technologies: Getting to Know Us
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Published September 1, 2021

By now, you have probably seen the announcement for IBM MQ 9.2.3.  The first thing to mention is that Nastel had support for 9.2.3 right away.  Nastel Technologies is an integration infrastructure management (i2M) solutions company, and IBM MQ is at the heart of most enterprises’ integration infrastructure (i2).

IBM MQ 9.2.3 Streaming Queues: Your Integration Infrastructure (i2) Data Win
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Published August 26, 2021

As I said before, Speed is King. Business requirements for applications and architecture change all the time, driven by changes in customer needs, competition, and innovation and this only seems to be accelerating.

Microservices Without Observability Is Madness
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Published July 8, 2021

The Nastel Technologies Advisory Board was formed in 2021, a critical time for enterprises today. Made up of business and IT leaders from a wide variety of sectors, the common thread is that these enterprise leaders and innovators understand the incredibly important role of the integration infrastructure layer (including messaging middleware and much more) in their hybrid enterprises.

Thank You Advisory Board Members!
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Published June 25, 2021

Information Technology as an industry is deeply divided into disciplines. Many organizations have built detailed models to describe all the elements, and how they fit together. ISO and ITIL and what seems like hundreds of additional standards organizations have written books, run conferences, and sell consulting services to help describe just how complex everything is.

Are You an Under-appreciated Messaging Middleware Guru?
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Published April 16, 2021

Live Webinar - De-risk your Messaging Middleware Infrastructure!

Date: Wednesday, April 21st at 11 am ET/8 am PT
Speaker: David Liff, Vice President
Host: Steven Menges, Head of Product Management

Messaging middleware platforms are amongst the most stable and as a result, can suffer from under-resourcing as the accepted business logic is to focus resources where more immediate issues exist.

De-risk your Messaging Middleware (before your preventable outage hits)
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Published April 8, 2021

Live Webinar - De-risk your Messaging Middleware Infrastructure!

Date: Wednesday, April 21st at 11 am ET/8 am PT
Speaker: David Liff, Vice President
Host: Steven Menges, Head of Product Management

Messaging middleware platforms are amongst the most stable and as a result, can suffer from under-resourcing as the accepted business logic is to focus resources where more immediate issues exist.

De-risk your Messaging Middleware (before your preventable outage hits)
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Published February 25, 2021

The classic operations toolkit revolves around monitoring sets of physical properties (such as volume, speed, capacity) and having smart people build complex algorithms that describe when an event threshold has been breached.

As systems continue to become more advanced with more moving parts and more flexibility as to how they are combined, these algorithms have become too complex for the event the smartest teams to manage, so the response has been to deploy advanced data analytics with machine learning AI capabilities to augment these teams.

Post-Pandemic Operations