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Published June 22, 2022

Few people can claim the moniker of “pioneer” in building the internet as we know it. Rami Rahim, CEO of Juniper Networks, is one of them who had a front-row seat in the late 90s to the infant days of building the internet.

The CEO Rebooting AI
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Published November 1, 2021

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a wonderful marketing term given to devices that are connected to the internet. Today everything from light switches, air conditioners to door locks have the option of being internet-connected.

Now that multiple companies have created “tags” that you can add to anything from keys to cars and packages, anything can be tracked.

What can you learn from IoT with i2M – Part 1
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Published October 20, 2021

As I said before, Speed is King. Business requirements for applications and architecture change all the time, driven by changes in customer needs, competition, and innovation and this only seems to be accelerating. Application developers must not be the blocker to business.

Hybrid Multi-Cloud Demands Holistic Observability
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Published August 12, 2021

I just heard that businesses are repatriating cloud workloads.

I was told, “The history of IT is paved with dreams of lower costs, better performance, and higher reliability through migrations to new platforms and languages and new architectures and infrastructures.”

“Some of the biggest recorded IT waste has been when companies focus on the ‘next big thing’ and have issues achieving successful implementations.

Was Cloud A Mistake?
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Published December 15, 2020

Business agility is critical. It’s shocking and saddening to see the number of large household names that we grew up with going into administration. Companies that have always been there and we thought always would stand the test of time.

Speed is King in COVID-19 times
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Published September 25, 2020

COVID-19 delivered a blow to the way we all work, and almost overnight millions of us has to learn how to work remotely. For many companies this forced lesson, taught them that actually remote working can have a lot of positive benefits.

How businesses are making hybrid offices a permanent feature
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Published August 18, 2020

COVID-19 - Cost companies have a list of priorities that are set each year, and budgets and resources are aligned to these. For most companies the priority list looks something like this:

  1. New business initiatives (opening new offices/factories, product launches)
  2. Expansion of existing business initiatives (hiring more staff)
  3. Governance, risk & compliance (regulatory compliance, reporting & intelligent security)
  4. Improvements to performance and user experience (cloud migration, optimization)

COVID-19 has slowed down 1&2 for most businesses, and while there is pressure on budgets, all of a sudden 3&4 have moved to the top of the list.  While GRC improvements are always “planned “, often having a plan is enough to meet the requirements, so in many cases this is the “can that is kicked down the road”.

How the current COVID-19 business climate is forcing changes to spending patterns