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Published June 30, 2022

Continuous intelligence (CI) platforms can be used to collect telemetry data from various sources, perform analysis on that data, make inferences about the data, and provide real-time insights that help businesses understand what’s going on.

For years, network, application performance, and security monitoring were fairly passive operations.

Your Telemetry Data is Faster, Is Your Analysis?
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Published June 29, 2022

The US may be heading for a recession this year. It isn’t slowing down growth in the global Internet of Things (IoT) services market.

That’s expected to grow from $163.7 billion in 2021 to $188.8 billion in 2022 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.3%, according to

Why IoT Can Be a Game-Changer for Digital Customer Experience
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Published June 27, 2022

Devops is tough, but the choice between faster development and improving reliability shouldn't be. Consider shifting-left security, better observability, AIops platforms, and more.

Devops is primarily associated with the collaboration between developers and operations to improve the delivery and reliability of applications in production.

7 devops practices to improve application performance
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Published June 21, 2022

Organizations are moving from monolithic architecture (where all the code building the application exists as a single, monolithic entity) to microservices architecture as it simplifies app management, making it easier to build, deploy, update, test and scale each service independently without affecting other parts of the architecture.

Setup RabbitMQ in HA Mode using Kubernetes Operator
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Published June 13, 2022

What would happen if your enterprise resource planning (ERP) system were attacked? For many companies, the consequences would be devastating. ERP systems not only contain the crown jewels of the business—customer data, stock levels, order entries, production plans, and contract data—they also manage such essential financial processes as order to cash (OTC), and operational processes such as production planning and steering and cash collection and payments.

Seven steps to help protect your ERP system against cyberattacks
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Published April 29, 2022

As systems get ever more complicated with more layers in the application stack, it can become more difficult to keep track of what is happening at all of the different, discrete levels and this is where distributed tracing comes into play.

What is Distributed Tracing?
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Published March 29, 2022

Who’s faking it?  Data-driven decision-making (and ensuring related investment is delivering on its promises) has been elevated in importance.  Every enterprise is replacing opinion with data-driven decision-making, correct?

A brand new research report from EMA (Enterprise Management Associates) titled, “A Data-Driven Enterprise” looks behind the curtain to separate facts and reality from fiction and aspiration.  Here are some of the findings from the latest research on enterprises.

Data-Driven Enterprise (or Just Talking Like One)?
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Published March 24, 2022

Enterprises Relying on IBM MQ, Kafka, TIBCO EMS, Solace PubSub+, and Other i2 are Adopting Nastel Navigator for Integration Infrastructure Management (i2M)

Nastel Technologies today announced the immediate availability of Nastel Navigator 10.4, the world’s leading integration infrastructure administration and secure self-service configuration management solution.

Nastel Announces Secure Self-Service for Solace PubSub+ As Part of New Integration Infrastructure Management Release