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Published August 31, 2021

Information Technology (IT) has moved through many clearly defined eras. I don’t feel the need to list them all, but the latest one clearly is the move from discrete computers to virtualized software-configured environments, that we all colloquially call “the cloud”.

Integration Infrastructure Management is the New Black
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Published July 20, 2021

The history of civilization is replete with moral stories of getting the most out of all available resources and other stories about the cost of waste.

In the world of information technology, until very recently every single byte was seen as precious.

Doing more with what you have
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Published June 25, 2021

Information Technology as an industry is deeply divided into disciplines. Many organizations have built detailed models to describe all the elements, and how they fit together. ISO and ITIL and what seems like hundreds of additional standards organizations have written books, run conferences, and sell consulting services to help describe just how complex everything is.

Are You an Under-appreciated Messaging Middleware Guru?
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Published October 30, 2020

Information Technology (IT) has always relied on monitoring to provide an understanding of how systems perform over time. The basics has always been to collect a series of metrics and to build an algorithm that shows how these metrics are related, and then to show when a system is either reaching the limits of its capacity or is likely to break.

Observability is to Monitoring what Tesla is to Horse Drawn Carriage