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Published June 21, 2022

Organizations are moving from monolithic architecture (where all the code building the application exists as a single, monolithic entity) to microservices architecture as it simplifies app management, making it easier to build, deploy, update, test and scale each service independently without affecting other parts of the architecture.

Setup RabbitMQ in HA Mode using Kubernetes Operator
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Published March 31, 2022

An introduction to using Nastel with Amazon MSK
An introduction to using Nastel with Amazon MSK

Apache Kafka is a very popular open-source distributed event streaming platform used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications.

An Introduction to Using Nastel with Amazon MSK
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Published March 30, 2022

Apache Kafka is a very popular open-source distributed event streaming platform used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, streaming analytics, data integration, and mission-critical applications. Amazon MSK is a fully managed Kafka service that makes using Kafka even easier.

Managing Kafka on AWS with Nastel Navigator
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Published February 4, 2022

According to research by Connecting Software, Fortune 1000 firms spend 40% of their IT budget on their Integration Infrastructure. Gartner Group’s John-David Lovelock said: “…digital tech initiatives remain a top strategic business priority for companies, focusing spending on making their infrastructure bulletproof and accommodating increasingly complex hybrid work.” He continues that enterprise software will have the highest growth in 2022, driven by infrastructure software spending to outpace application software spending.

How to Unlock the Full Value From Your Investment in Integration Infrastructure