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Published July 20, 2021

If you are an enterprise IT professional, you likely know that messaging middleware platforms are amongst the most stable.   As a result, you also know that the organization that manages and maintains this critical part of the IT stack can suffer from under-resourcing.

De-risk your Messaging Middleware (before your preventable outage hits)
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Published June 25, 2021

Information Technology as an industry is deeply divided into disciplines. Many organizations have built detailed models to describe all the elements, and how they fit together. ISO and ITIL and what seems like hundreds of additional standards organizations have written books, run conferences, and sell consulting services to help describe just how complex everything is.

Are You an Under-appreciated Messaging Middleware Guru?
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Published May 4, 2021

Companies considering migration to a cloud environment usually focus first on infrastructure, from data centers to system performance to storage.

But even before you select a cloud environment, the fundamental issue to be considered must be security.

Put security first in cloud migration planning
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Published April 16, 2021

Live Webinar - De-risk your Messaging Middleware Infrastructure!

Date: Wednesday, April 21st at 11 am ET/8 am PT
Speaker: David Liff, Vice President
Host: Steven Menges, Head of Product Management

Messaging middleware platforms are amongst the most stable and as a result, can suffer from under-resourcing as the accepted business logic is to focus resources where more immediate issues exist.

De-risk your Messaging Middleware (before your preventable outage hits)
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Published April 8, 2021

Live Webinar - De-risk your Messaging Middleware Infrastructure!

Date: Wednesday, April 21st at 11 am ET/8 am PT
Speaker: David Liff, Vice President
Host: Steven Menges, Head of Product Management

Messaging middleware platforms are amongst the most stable and as a result, can suffer from under-resourcing as the accepted business logic is to focus resources where more immediate issues exist.

De-risk your Messaging Middleware (before your preventable outage hits)
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Published February 23, 2021

The pandemic hit, and the world has changed forever. I do not mean to sound overdramatic, but having 100% remote working, and 100% e-business forced on much of the business world, we have had to learn a lot of rather uncomfortable lessons.

The New Normal
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Published January 26, 2021

The initial polling of IBM MQ customers reveals some interesting trends as we enter 2021.

Poll #1: When asked which one area they were looking to learn more about in 2021, the top response was “Tools for Cloud Migration of Messaging Middleware.”  It is important to note that all the respondents have IBM MQ messaging middleware in their estate, most also have Kafka, and many also have IIB (IBM Integration Bus), IBM ACE (App Connect Enterprise), and/or TIBCO EMS are part of their IT stack.

Poll Results Indicate New Kafka, Cloud Middleware-related Activity for MQ Shops
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Published November 6, 2020

Almost exactly 19 years ago IBM acquired CrossWorlds Software to add to their WebSphere business-integration middleware business.  CrossWorlds was famous (or infamous) back then mainly because of its founder and approach to advertising, publicity and PR (public relations).

CX Makes This ‘CrossWorld’ Estate Sexy Again
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Published October 15, 2020

Who has actually made the move off of the mainframe?

The answer is almost no one, we still all have them sitting in the basement doing what they have always done.

Is Legacy Technology Still Your Greatest Asset?