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Published August 10, 2021

Here at Nastel, we have a very active and passionate debate culture, and most work mornings the coffee room is a hive of opinions and ideas. It often feels like I imagine the debates on the Roman Senate floor, or a Greek philosopher’s dinner would have felt.

Data, Statistics and the Pandemic
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Published August 6, 2021

Since the inception of the internet, philosophers have been writing about the reduction in critical thinking that civilization has experienced.

Pre-internet when you wanted to understand a subject, you would turn to credentialed experts, who would have spent decades researching a specific topic, published papers and books on the subject, presented lecture series on the subject, and in many fields have a storied history of practicing what they preach.

How the Pandemic Accelerated the Changes to how we Consider Emails
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Published February 25, 2021

The classic operations toolkit revolves around monitoring sets of physical properties (such as volume, speed, capacity) and having smart people build complex algorithms that describe when an event threshold has been breached.

As systems continue to become more advanced with more moving parts and more flexibility as to how they are combined, these algorithms have become too complex for the event the smartest teams to manage, so the response has been to deploy advanced data analytics with machine learning AI capabilities to augment these teams.

Post-Pandemic Operations
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Published February 23, 2021

The pandemic hit, and the world has changed forever. I do not mean to sound overdramatic, but having 100% remote working, and 100% e-business forced on much of the business world, we have had to learn a lot of rather uncomfortable lessons.

The New Normal
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Published August 18, 2020

COVID-19 - Cost companies have a list of priorities that are set each year, and budgets and resources are aligned to these. For most companies the priority list looks something like this:

  1. New business initiatives (opening new offices/factories, product launches)
  2. Expansion of existing business initiatives (hiring more staff)
  3. Governance, risk & compliance (regulatory compliance, reporting & intelligent security)
  4. Improvements to performance and user experience (cloud migration, optimization)

COVID-19 has slowed down 1&2 for most businesses, and while there is pressure on budgets, all of a sudden 3&4 have moved to the top of the list.  While GRC improvements are always “planned “, often having a plan is enough to meet the requirements, so in many cases this is the “can that is kicked down the road”.

How the current COVID-19 business climate is forcing changes to spending patterns
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Published May 26, 2020

While we all continue to shelter in place, many companies are now going through the process of getting ready to reopen offices. Here in New York the government has put in place a rigorous reopening plan (one that I suspect is similar to that of most other countries and states).

Getting ready to reopen offices!
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Published March 28, 2020

COVID - 19 Rules - Since the current pandemic was first discussed the population of the western world has been stocking up on everything from toilet paper to pasta, and retailers have been trying incredibly hard to manage this massive surge in their supply-chain logistics.

COVID - 19 Rules - Since the current pandemic was first discussed the population of the western world has been stocking up on everything from toilet paper to pasta, and retailers