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Published February 4, 2022

According to research by Connecting Software, Fortune 1000 firms spend 40% of their IT budget on their Integration Infrastructure. Gartner Group’s John-David Lovelock said: “…digital tech initiatives remain a top strategic business priority for companies, focusing spending on making their infrastructure bulletproof and accommodating increasingly complex hybrid work.” He continues that enterprise software will have the highest growth in 2022, driven by infrastructure software spending to outpace application software spending.

How to Unlock the Full Value From Your Investment in Integration Infrastructure
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Published August 4, 2021

Message data is a digital treasure trove for enterprises that need to meet evolving operations performance, CX (customer experience), and even compliance goals.

Figure 1: Leading Integration Infrastructure (i2) messaging applications in hybrid enterprises in 2021
Figure 1: Leading Integration Infrastructure (i2) messaging applications in hybrid enterprises in 2021

“Message Data” includes critical information and context missing from log files and other data sources.  Getting it easier and earlier enables advanced analysis and improvements to begin without delay.

Complete observability and monitoring of your integration infrastructure
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Published July 20, 2021

Your strategy is to move everything to software configured and cloud-connected existence. I can say this with absolute confidence because quite frankly this is everyone’s strategy in 2021.

With cloud thinking, every decision becomes an operational choice without the historical lags previously associated with massive capital changes.

We live in a cloud connected world
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Published July 20, 2021

IT is changing at an ever-accelerating pace. Moores Law used to be the principle by which we considered the evolving performance/cost of computing, but today this seems to be less useful, instead, we need a model that considers how many layers of systems do we manage.

Integration Infrastructure Management
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Published June 25, 2021

Information Technology as an industry is deeply divided into disciplines. Many organizations have built detailed models to describe all the elements, and how they fit together. ISO and ITIL and what seems like hundreds of additional standards organizations have written books, run conferences, and sell consulting services to help describe just how complex everything is.

Are You an Under-appreciated Messaging Middleware Guru?
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Published January 1, 2021

The classic retailing model has been to market and sell stuff.  Seems logical enough, retailers buy products from distributors who host the products of vendors, and the goal for the retailer is to sell stuff for a profit.

The classic retailing model has been to market and sell stuff.  Seems logical enough, retailers buy products from distributors who host the products of vendors, and the goal for the retailer is to sell stuff for a profit.
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Published August 7, 2020

Cloud - Business applications have continued to become more complex, and the tools we all rely on to monitor performance have not always kept up.

The basic model that APM relies on, starts by capturing performance metrics and then using the knowledge developers and administrators have about the how these metrics can be analyzed to describe the performance of specific business processes.

Performance Monitoring in the Cloud Age