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Published November 15, 2022

One of the building blocks of messaging is, you guessed it, messages! But there are different kinds of messages: Commands and Events. So, what’s the difference? Well, they have very distinct purposes, usage, naming, ownership, and more!

The purpose of commands is the intent to invoke behavior.

Commands & Events: What’s the difference?
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Published June 21, 2022

Organizations are moving from monolithic architecture (where all the code building the application exists as a single, monolithic entity) to microservices architecture as it simplifies app management, making it easier to build, deploy, update, test and scale each service independently without affecting other parts of the architecture.

Setup RabbitMQ in HA Mode using Kubernetes Operator
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Published May 21, 2020

A common question that comes up is “what did my IBM MQ application program do?“

For example, we expected messages to be on this queue, but they are not there.  What happened?

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