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Published June 28, 2022

Most of us picture cloud security threats as bad actors in some hostile country. More often, it’s you and your coworkers.

Talk about cloud security and you’re likely to discuss provider-focused issues: not enough security, not enough auditing, not enough planning.

Cloud security risks remain very human
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Published June 15, 2022

New open source database details the software that cloud service providers typically silently install on enterprises' virtual machines — often unbeknownst to customers.


If cloud services weren't complicated enough for the typical business today to properly configure and secure, there's also a lesser-known layer of middleware that cloud providers run that can harbor hidden security flaws.

Beware the 'Secret Agent' Cloud Middleware
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Published December 14, 2021

It seems that every few weeks, we are alerted to a new significant security issue within one of the plethoras of code elements that are widely used. The same pundits discuss the same range of concerns with open-sourced code each time.

Log4j gets added to the code “wall of shame.”