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Published September 14, 2022

Apache Kafka is a high-throughput, low-latency platform for handling real-time data feeds. Its storage layer is in essence a massively scalable pub/sub message queue designed as a distributed transaction log. It can be used to process streams of data in real-time, building up a commit log of changes.

How to use OpenTelemetry for Kafka Monitoring
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Published September 13, 2022

There are a few key differences between distributed tracing and OpenTelemetry. One is that OpenTelemetry offers a more unified approach to instrumentation, while distributed tracing takes a more granular approach. This means that OpenTelemetry can be less time-consuming to set up, but it doesn’t necessarily offer as much visibility into your system as distributed tracing does.

What is Distributed Tracing vs OpenTelemetry?
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Published July 12, 2022

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) is perhaps best represented by the infinity symbol. It is something that is constantly ongoing, new integrations are rolled out while not interrupting the flow of information that is already running, as to stop systems in order to update them can be costly and inefficient.

Performance Benchmarking as Part of your CI/CD Pipeline
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Published July 7, 2022

Many companies’ enterprise resource planning systems, which house their most valuable data, are still too vulnerable.

What would happen if your enterprise resource planning (ERP) system were attacked? For many companies, the consequences would be devastating.

Seven steps to help protect your ERP system against cyberattacks
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Published June 30, 2022

Transaction tracking and tracing are not the same thing.

One of the top 10 banks in the world recently chose meshIQ and this was their primary reason.

They had a Priority 1 request processor incident on the mainframe where high value messages went missing and it took two weeks to find them.

Transaction Tracking vs Transaction Tracing – What’s the Difference?
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Published June 13, 2022

What would happen if your enterprise resource planning (ERP) system were attacked? For many companies, the consequences would be devastating. ERP systems not only contain the crown jewels of the business—customer data, stock levels, order entries, production plans, and contract data—they also manage such essential financial processes as order to cash (OTC), and operational processes such as production planning and steering and cash collection and payments.

Seven steps to help protect your ERP system against cyberattacks
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Published April 29, 2022

As systems get ever more complicated with more layers in the application stack, it can become more difficult to keep track of what is happening at all of the different, discrete levels and this is where distributed tracing comes into play.

What is Distributed Tracing?
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Published April 26, 2022

In order to answer this question, it is best to first explain what is IBM MQ and the benefits that it can bring to a business. IBM MQ (Messaging and Queuing) is a messaging system that enables applications running on different computers to communicate quickly with each other in real-time.

What is IBM MQ Monitoring?
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Published March 17, 2022

Apache Kafka is a distributed messaging system that can be used to build applications with high throughput and resilience. It is often used in conjunction with other big data technologies, such as Hadoop and Spark. Kafka-based applications are typically used for real-time data processing, including streaming analytics, fraud detection, and customer sentiment analysis.

What is Kafka Monitoring?