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Published October 9, 2020

DevOps - Recently I’ve been investigating just how much time and effort companies put into building, configuring, using and maintaining their messaging middleware environments. And here’s what I’ve discovered.

1.  Everyone is using multiple messaging middleware systems.

Lessons from the DevOps shop floor
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Published October 7, 2020

What is observability? What is the difference between observability vs monitoring? - Since rejoining Nastel, after a long period away in the cloud, I’ve been wondering why people are now talking about ‘observability’ when they used to talk about ‘monitoring’.

The Benefits of Data Observability
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Published September 30, 2020

Nastel Technologies today announced that Nastel Navigator is now available through Red Hat Marketplace. Red Hat Marketplace is an open cloud marketplace for enterprise customers to discover, try, purchase, deploy, and manage certified container-based software across environments—public and private, cloud and on-premises.

Nastel Technologies Announces Availability of Nastel Navigator on Red Hat Marketplace
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Published September 25, 2020

COVID-19 delivered a blow to the way we all work, and almost overnight millions of us has to learn how to work remotely. For many companies this forced lesson, taught them that actually remote working can have a lot of positive benefits.

How businesses are making hybrid offices a permanent feature
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Published September 18, 2020

The classic methods of monitoring computing platforms created a vast array of odometers and graphs that displayed the changes over time of critical system parameters.

The thinking has always been that if you can measure key system performance and capacity parameters, then you can build up a picture of performance from which you can then calculate and predict performance issues.

Understanding the Three Pillars of Observability: Logs, Metrics and Traces
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Published September 11, 2020

Have you ever wondered why railroads are the width they are? US railroads are 4 feet 8 ½ inches in width, this may seem like an odd measurement, but there is actually a very good reason for it.

The power of standards
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Published September 10, 2020

Messaging Middleware - Large enterprises generally expend about ¼ of their entire IT budget on the systems and processes to connect the disparate systems that make up complex application stacks.

When you look at how business processes are architected, they nearly always make use of a myriad of different infrastructure elements, platforms and applications, and these are all interconnected using an array of messaging middleware systems that ensure that every single request is processed even when the capacity and performance of some components causes requests to be stacked in queues.

The secret to exploiting your investment in messaging middleware!
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Published September 2, 2020

Application Performance - Much of the costs associated with implementing a new app or upgrading an existing app are operational. For most companies at least a quarter of their entire IT budget is aligned to integration and configuration management.

Need a way to reduce costs and improve application performance at the same time?
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Published August 27, 2020

monitoring SLA's - That may sound like an easy and obvious request, but it can be incredibly complex to get a useful answer.

Firstly, you need to be able to describe your SLA (service level agreement) analytically, and then secondly you need to be able to trace each transaction from beginning to end to be able to identify any attributes that didn’t meet the definition within the SLA.

Show me every transaction that missed the SLA this week?
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Published August 20, 2020

Julius Caesar is quoted as saying “Veni, vidi, vici” (I came, I saw, I conquered), if Caesar had been a businessman in 2020, I think he may have said Collectas indicium Lunaris examinetur et sententiis (I collected data, I analyzed, I decided), and he may have added I used Nastel XRay to do it.

Veni, Vidi, Vici!