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Published April 6, 2020

COVID - 19 It’s a fact of life that new shiny things are more interesting that old, dull things. And yet it’s the boring stuff that keeps the world working. Once the problems have been ironed out and technology just works, it’s a lot less interesting for innovators to “play” with.

Dealing with legacy systems during the time of COVID - 19 mania
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Published April 1, 2020

COVID - 19 - This is not the first time the world has experienced a deadly contagious plague, and it’s likely to not be the last.

Our world has changed, and for many of us who are now working from home, this is a time to make use of technology as our primary way of performing business.

I hope you are safe and well (COVID - 19)
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Published March 28, 2020

COVID - 19 Rules - Since the current pandemic was first discussed the population of the western world has been stocking up on everything from toilet paper to pasta, and retailers have been trying incredibly hard to manage this massive surge in their supply-chain logistics.

COVID - 19 Rules - Since the current pandemic was first discussed the population of the western world has been stocking up on everything from toilet paper to pasta, and retailers
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Published March 25, 2020

Viruses - I’m not a scientist working in the medical field, but I’ve learned enough about the science to be in awe of what they do.

I'm sure my "cursory" explanation is woefully incomplete, but this is a blog, and I think this is a worthwhile discussion on the subject for us "Interested" participants in the covid19 world of 2020.

Viruses Don’t Kill, It’s The Bodies Response That Kills
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Published March 23, 2020

COVID-19 This is a difficult time for everyone. In what seems like a flash our world as we know it has been put on pause. Supply chains are broken, many are now working remotely, some of our customers’ entire businesses are on-hold, while others have seen their business become 100% online from under 5%, overnight.

This too shall pass (COVID-19)