If your organization is frustrated with how long it takes to roll out new applications and updates, they are not alone. Speed-to-market is an obsession at many companies today (see call-out box below), so anything that restricts or slows it down is a problem.
As I said before, Speed is King. Business requirements for applications and architecture change all the time, driven by changes in customer needs, competition, and innovation and this only seems to be accelerating.
Today’s decision-making is different than even a few years ago. More “data” is used, and the data inputs take several forms, including humans.
A big part of today’s strategy and decision-making at enterprise-class organizations are committees, made up of a company’s subject matter experts and relevant stakeholders for a critical company initiative. They may meet quarterly or as needed and the committee work is in addition to their “day job.”
In a recent survey of decision-makers and professionals working in, or overseeing, integration infrastructure (i2) architecture or operations at large enterprises, we found that these corporate priorities warranted having a committee:
Top Committees in 2021:
Cloud Strategy
IT Transformation
Risk Management
Quality / Customer Experience (CX) Improvement
Other - Integrations
Upon further discussion with senior executives, we kept hearing that while all committees officially drove strategy and direction for their initiative, the named initiatives with both a committee and an attached budget to fund the initiative made progress much more quickly.
As a child, I felt obliged to read the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Having done so, I thought the writing was terrible, the technical descriptions of places tedious, and the songs awful. However, everyone I knew was always quoting phrases from these books, and so I needed to understand the references.
I just heard that businesses are repatriating cloud workloads.
I was told, “The history of IT is paved with dreams of lower costs, better performance, and higher reliability through migrations to new platforms and languages and new architectures and infrastructures.”
“Some of the biggest recorded IT waste has been when companies focus on the ‘next big thing’ and have issues achieving successful implementations.
Here at Nastel, we have a very active and passionate debate culture, and most work mornings the coffee room is a hive of opinions and ideas. It often feels like I imagine the debates on the Roman Senate floor, or a Greek philosopher’s dinner would have felt.
Since the inception of the internet, philosophers have been writing about the reduction in critical thinking that civilization has experienced.
Pre-internet when you wanted to understand a subject, you would turn to credentialed experts, who would have spent decades researching a specific topic, published papers and books on the subject, presented lecture series on the subject, and in many fields have a storied history of practicing what they preach.
Message data is a digital treasure trove for enterprises that need to meet evolving operations performance, CX (customer experience), and even compliance goals.
Figure 1: Leading Integration Infrastructure (i2) messaging applications in hybrid enterprises in 2021
“Message Data” includes critical information and context missing from log files and other data sources. Getting it easier and earlier enables advanced analysis and improvements to begin without delay.
If you are an enterprise IT professional, you likely know that messaging middleware platforms are amongst the most stable. As a result, you also know that the organization that manages and maintains this critical part of the IT stack can suffer from under-resourcing.
Nastel Technologies today announced that Nastel XRay, a platform designed for enterprises running mission-critical services powered by messaging middleware, is now available through Red Hat Marketplace. Red Hat Marketplace is an open cloud marketplace for enterprise customers to discover, try, purchase, deploy, and manage certified container-based software across environments—public and private, cloud and on-premises.